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Welcome to the Israel Advocacy Site! Last updated December 27, 2016

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Elie Wiesel, z"l 

The purpose of this web site is to provide one, go-to place for information about issues that affect the security of Israel and to offer tools & resources for advocating for its safety. Scroll down for a quick road map to the site. 

Here are the most recent additions to the web site as well as in what sections they appear. Note: The titles of the articles are not hyperlinked to the articles themselves, you need to use the tabs at the top of this page to go to the relevant section to read them. 

Section I: What is BDS?  

How is BDS funded?

Congressional testimony regarding BDS (video) 

How Palestinians (mis)represent themselves to the world


Section II: Israel 101

AIPAC: America's Partner: Israel. Saving American Lives on the Battlefield

AIPAC: Supporting Our Ally - A Guide to U.S. Security Assistance to Israel

Shurat HaDin Sues Facebook for Providing Material Support to Terrorists


Section III: Latest News

Note: These are not links, to access the articles, go to the Latest News tab at the very top, and click on it. 

  • The text of the resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council regarding Israeli Settlements on 12/23/2016
  • The text of US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Powers, rationalizing why the US shamefully abstained from the vote and thus allowed the resolution to be approved
  • Possible negative consequencs for Israel as a result of the vote
  • PM Netanyahu's speech denoucing the resolution

Section IV:  Resources

Campus Coalition Building Fellowships


Section V (Top Right): What You Can Do

Register for the AIPAC Policy Conference: March 26-28, 2017

Join the Alumni for College Fairness organization

Fight BDS: Buy Israeli Products

Guide to the Israel Advocacy Website

The contents of this web site are updated weekly, so visit regularly for the latest suggestions of how YOU can help Israel. 

Be sure to visit the "Advocate for Israel" section of this site (top, right box of this page) to learn what YOU can do to advocate for Israel.

NOTE: We have added a Political Action links (see right hand column) which put you one click away from reaching out to the President of the United States, New York's two U.S. Senators, the Congressman for Manhattan's Upper West Side and, for good measure, the PM of Israel. 

Right underneath that are a series of  "Useful Links", so that you are now one click away from reaching out to key allies in our advocacy for Medinat Israel. Three requests:

  • See something? Say something. If you come across an interesting story, whether pro or against Israel, or if you come across a good resource to advocate for Israel, don't keep it to yourself. Send an email to
  • If you like what you see on this web site, don't keep it to yourself. Share the link with your friends, colleagues and family members, especially those outside the LSS community who may not be aware of this resource. If the link to this web site was forwarded to you by someone else, don't miss a single update, email us at and we will add you to our mailing list. 
  • If you prefer not to receive future emails about this web site, send an email to with the word Unsubscribe in the subject line.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784