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Instructions for Taking Terumah and Ma'aser

02/05/2015 04:06:08 PM


Periodically fruits and vegetables come in from Israel. Before one is able to eat any of these fruit, Terumah and Ma’aser must be taken. 

When short on time, one  do as follows (if time permits, see the detailed instructions below):

Remove a little more than 1% of each kind of food and say:

“I hereby separate Terumas and Ma’asros and the redemption of Ma’aser Sheini when needed in accordance with the text of the Chazon Ish.”

Whatever has been separated for Terumah Gedolah and for Terumas Ma’aser must not be eaten or used for any purpose but should be completely wrapped in a dignified manner (plastic bag or the like) and must be disposed of.

If time allows say:

  1. “The more than 1% on the Northern side of the separated pile is Terumah Gedolah.
  2. The 1% left in the separated pile plus 9 equal portions on the Northern side of the produce is Ma’aser Rishon.
  3. The 1% which 1 made Ma’aser Rishon shall become Terumas Ma’aser.
  4. 10% of the remaining produce of the Southern side, is either (depending on the year of the Shmittah cycle) Ma’aser Sheini or Ma’aser Ani. If it is Ma’aser Sheini, it shall be redeemed on one Prutah of the coin which is designated for the use of Lincoln Square Synagogue members.
  5. Whatever has been separated for Terumah Gedolah and for Terumas Ma’aser must not be eaten or used for any purpose but should be completely wrapped in a dignified manner (plastic bag or the like) and must be disposed of.


NOTE: Separation of Terumas and Ma’asros on Shabbos and Yom Tov is forbidden.

For more details, see the OU's website.

Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784