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CLE Class with Daniel Sinclair

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 13 Shevat 5774

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM



Lincoln Square Synagogue presents a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program on

Jewish Law:

Legal Sources, Principal Categories and Contemporary Issues


January 14, 21, and 28 and February 4, 2014

6:30 – 8:00 P.M.

Lincoln Square Synagogue is proud to present a continuing legal education (CLE) program that will examine Jewish law and its application to a variety of contemporary issues. The first lecture will set out the fundamentals of Jewish law (“halakhah”), including interpretation, legislation, custom, precedent, and reason. The remaining three lectures will illustrate the ways in which Jewish law applies to contemporary issues of family and biomedical law, including the aguna (a woman prohibited from remarrying), conversion to Judaism, abortion, and terminal illness.

Both lawyers and non-lawyers will be able to follow the discussion.

The Presenter:  Rabbi/Professor Daniel Sinclair

The presenter will be Daniel Sinclair, a master teacher who is a highly respected authority on comparative biomedical law, Jewish law, the jurisprudence of Jewish law, the relationship between halakhah and ethics, and the influence of Jewish law on Israel’s legal system. He is the Wolff Fellow in Jewish law and a Visiting Professor of Law at Fordham University Law School, as well as a Professor of Jewish Law and Comparative Biomedical Law at the CMAS Law School in Rishon Lezion, and an Adjunct Professor of Comparative Biomedical Law at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is an ordained Orthodox rabbi and has published numerous books.  He has held the portfolio for medical ethics in the Chief Rabbi’s Cabinet, and he drew up protocols on the Jewish law aspects of stem cell research, organ donation and artificial reproductive techniques.

CLE Credits

Lincoln Square Synagogue has applied for one-and-one-half (1.5) credit hours of New York CLE credits in Areas of Professional Practice per class.

Registration Information

Tuition is $100 for one lecture, $180 for two of the lectures, or $300 for all four lectures.  We are offering a special introductory rate of $36 for the first lecture.  Attendees of this lecture will be eligible for discounts on future classes.  (There will be an additional charge of $10 per lecture for registration at the door.) Discounts are available for unemployed lawyers, lawyers earning less than $100,000 per year, and people facing financial hardship.


“Application for New York accreditation of this course or program is currently pending.”





We are pleased to announce that we are able to provide boxed sandwich dinners from Fairway Kosher Catering (under the supervision of the Kof-K). If you are interested, please make your choice(s) below. Each meal is $18. Dinner will be served at 6:00pm (thirty minutes prior to the CLE class).


All meals need to be ordered by Thursday before the class.

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